Contact Us

Become a CIBRA member

To achieve our goal of being the community’s goal in the voice of local government, we need your participation. Become a member for a nominal R220 annual donation (R110.00 for seniors) and keep up to date with key issues via our broadcast Whatsapp Group. Any association has costs to meet and in CIBRA’s case we have costs associated with hosting meetings, administration fees, web services, legal fees etc. We receive NO funds from the City, which guarantees our independence.

CIBRA Banking details
Nedbank Gardens Branch: 101009
Account Number: 1010093096
Reference: your name

Keep updated

CIBRA NOTICEBOARD Whatsapp Group (broadcast only, no chat)

CIBRA YouTube Channel


Email us

Our mailbox is not monitored daily but we will respond

Get involved

Contact our CIBRA Urban Conservation Panel

Would you like an official comment from our Panel?

Contact CIBRA for help on a specific issue?

Do you need CIBRA's voice on an issue?

Interested in an internship?

Interested in buildings, public spaces, urban planning, property development and community matters? Want some work experience and mentorship? Interested in how local government, the private sector and civil society keep each other in check? Is so, join CIBRA and get involved in helping us review submissions, draft letters of support or objection, write CIBRA news items on local matters and help build up CIBRA’s social media presence. For internships – get involved in the above and your good work will be rewarded with a reference letter or letter of support for your next job, college or university application.